Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies : All Pages
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- I. M. Pei Professorship
- National Committee on US-China Relations
- The Tale of Sinuhe
- Undergraduate Study
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- Arabic BA (Hons)
- Persian BA (Hons)
- Turkish BA (Hons)
- Assyriology BA (Hons) and Egyptology BA (Hons)
- Chinese BA (Hons)
- Hebrew BA (Hons)
- Jewish Studies BA (Hons)
- Japanese BA (Hons)
- Sanskrit BA (Hons)
- Classics & Asian and Middle Eastern Studies BA (Hons)
- European & Middle Eastern Languages BA (Hons)
- Religion & Asian and Middle Eastern Studies BA (Hons)
- Bible Interpretation MSt
- Buddhist Studies MPhil
- Classical Hebrew Studies MSt
- Classical Indian Religion MPhil
- Contemporary Chinese Studies MSc
- Cuneiform Studies MPhil
- Eastern Christian Studies MPhil
- Egyptology MPhil
- Islamic Art and Architecture MSt
- Islamic Art and Architecture MPhil
- Islamic Studies and History MPhil
- Islamic Studies and History MSt
- Japanese Studies MPhil
- Japanese Studies MSc
- Jewish Studies MSt
- Jewish Studies in the Graeco-Roman Period MSt
- Jewish Studies in the Graeco-Roman Period MPhil
- Korean Studies MSt
- Modern Chinese Studies MPhil
- Modern Middle Eastern Studies MPhil
- Modern South Asian Studies MSc
- Modern South Asian Studies MPhil
- DPhil Asian and Middle Eastern Studies
- Asian and Middle Eastern Studies MSt
- Syriac Studies MSt
- Tibetan and Himalayan Studies MPhil
- Traditional China MSt
- Traditional East Asia MPhil
- Arabic
- Persian
- Turkish
- Chinese
- Japanese
- Korean
- Hebrew
- Egyptian
- Akkadian
- Sanskrit
- Sumerian
- Tibetan
- Aramaic
- Syriac
- Armenian
- Coptic
- Hindi
- Urdu
- Pali
- Prakrit
- Our Languages
- Avestan
- Hittite
- Yiddish
- Old Persian
- Classical Armenian Studies MSt
- Imre Bangha
- Diwakar Acharya
- Cathy Cantwell
- Lama Jabb
- Robert Mayer
- Christopher Minkowski
- Polly O'Hanlon
- Ulrike Roesler
- Walter Armbrust
- Marilyn Booth
- Julia Bray
- Dominic Parviz Brookshaw
- Emine Çakır
- Stephanie Cronin
- Edmund Herzig
- Nadia Jamil
- Jeremy Johns
- Taj Kandoura
- Christopher Melchert
- Laurent Mignon
- Mohamed-Salah Omri
- Eugene L. Rogan
- Nicolai Sinai
- Luke Treadwell
- Geert Jan van Gelder
- Zeynep Yürekli
- Martin Goodman
- Adriana X. Jacobs
- David Rechter
- Alison G. Salvesen
- David G.K. Taylor
- Theo Maarten van Lint
- Joanna Weinberg
- Gil Zahavi
- David Zakarian
- Robert L. Chard
- Matthew S. Erie
- Jing Fang
- Henrietta Harrison (沈艾娣)
- Margaret Hillenbrand
- Bo Hu
- Shio-yun Kan
- Dirk Meyer
- Yang Song
- Shelagh Vainker
- Young-hae Chi
- Linda M. Flores
- Bjarke Frellesvig
- Jennifer Guest
- Junko Hagiwara
- Hiroe Kaji
- Jieun Kiaer
- James B. Lewis
- Kaori Nishizawa
- Jacob L. Dahl
- Elizabeth Frood
- Liam McNamara
- Richard Bruce Parkinson
- Frances Reynolds
- Robert Simpson
- Mark J. Smith
- Afifi al-Akiti
- Ahmed Al-Shahi
- Teresa Fitzherbert
- Homa Katouzian
- Farhan Ahmad Nizami
- Michael Willis
- Michael C. A. Macdonald
- Miri Freud-Kandel
- Zoe Waxman
- Linda Hulin
- Gesa Schenke
- Helen Whitehouse
- Shailendra Bhandare
- David Gellner FBA
- Mallica Kumbera Landrus
- Fernanda Pirie
- Charles Ramble
- Roger Goodman
- Clare Pollard
- Elisabeth Hsu
- Rachel Murphy
- James Allan
- John Gurney
- Clive D. Holes
- Emilie Savage-Smith
- Glenda Abramson
- Sebastian P. Brock
- Hugh G.M. Williamson
- John Baines
- Stephanie M. Dalley
- Richard F. Gombrich
- Sarah Shaw
- Phillip T. Harries
- James McMullen
- TaoTao Liu
- Francesca Leoni
- Fritz W. Zimmermann
- Hratch Tchilingirian
- Rosanna Gosi
- Clare Orchard
- Elizabeth Fleming
- Francisco Bosch-Puche
- Zoe Lu
- Richard Carpenter
- Trudi Pinkerton
- Thomas Hall
- Elizabeth Cull
- Research Centre for Japanese Language and Linguistics
- Online Corpus of the Inscriptions of Ancient North Arabia (OCIANA)
- Balkh Art & Cultural Heritage Project (BACH)
- A Literary History of Medicine (ALHOM)
- Oxford Corpus of Old Japanese (OCOJ)
- Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative (CDLI)
- Dirhams for Slaves Project
- Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature (ETCSL)
- Online Egyptological Bibliography (OEB)
- Toleration of Variant Practice and Theology within Judaism since 200 BCE
- Verb semantics and argument realization in pre-modern Japanese (VSARPJ)
- Oxford Nizami Ganjavi Centre
- Authorship, originality and innovation in Tibetan Scriptural Revelations: A case study from the Dudjom Corpus
- Comparative History of Philology in Early Modern Asia
- Josephus Project
- Oxford Early Modern South Asia Project
- Semantics of Ancient Hebrew Database (SAHD)
- Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs, and Paintings
- Reflectance Transformation Imaging (RTI), RTISAD
- Edward Ullendorff Medal
- Recognition for Members of the Faculty of Oriental Studies
- The High Commissioner of India to the UK visits the Faculty of Oriental Studies
- Griffith Institute Archive
- Chinese News from the National Committee on US-China Relations' Public Intellectuals Program Trip
- Bengali
- How to Apply for Graduate Study
- How to Apply
- Recognition of Distinction
- China and Islam: The Prophet, the Party, and Law
- Yuhan Sohrab-Dinshaw Vevaina
- Christian C. Sahner
- 2017 Betjeman Poetry Prize
- Alain Fouad George
- EU Student Fees for 2018/19
- British Academy Fellowship
- Laurence Mann
- Open Days
- Resources for Applicants
- Research Conversations
- Aslı Niyazioğlu
- Aalia Ahmad
- Jane Kruz
- Benjamin Williams
- Deborah Rooke
- John J. Lowe
- From Chineseness to Sinophonicity
- Interpreting Lord Macartney: The Interpreters for the First British Embassy to China in 1793
- Latest Research Conversations
- Middle East Centre Hilary Term 2018 Events
- Funding
- Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies Hilary Term 2018 Programme
- International History of East Asia Hilary Term 2018 Seminar
- Khalili Research Centre Hilary Term 2018 Seminar
- Egyptology and Ancient Near Eastern Studies Hilary Term 2018 Seminar
- Sounds of South Asia Series
- Research in Oriental Studies Hilary Term 2018 Seminar
- Radhakrishnan Memorial Lectures 2018
- Oxford Centre for Global History Hilary Term 2018 Events
- Research Conversations Trinity Term 2018
- Was the Buddha a Muslim?
- Professor Nicolai Sinai Awarded European Research Council Grant
- Daniel Burt
- Jenni Navratil
- Twitter Workshop: Taster Session
- The Faculty Room Renaming Ceremony Photographs
- The Faculty Room Renaming Ceremony
- International History of East Asia Seminar Trinity Term 2018
- Professor Matthew Erie Awarded SSRC Fellowship
- Middle East Centre Seminar Trinity Term 2018
- MEC Women's Rights Research Seminar Trinity Term 2018
- Ancient Near Eastern Studies and Egyptology Seminar Trinity Term 2018
- Khalili Research Centre Seminar Trinity Term 2018
- Research in Oriental Studies Seminar Trinity Term 2018
- Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies Programme Trinity Term 2018
- Tsering Dhondup Gonkatsang (1951-2018)
- China Centre Events Trinity Term 2018
- Digitization Project of the Inscriptions of the National Museum of Iran
- Dr Sebastian Brock to Receive Honorary Doctorate
- Negotiating Conquest: Treaties and Concessions to establish Arab rule
- Latest Research Conversations
- Professor Erie Awarded ERC Starting Grant of €1.5 Million
- Book Series Arabo-Islamica Welcomes Submissions
- Christian Martyrs under Islam
- Abū Maʿshar al-Balkhī: a ‘philosophus’ in Ninth-Century Baghdad
- Muhammad, "The Prophet like Moses", and the editing of the Qur'an
- Fakhr al-Din al-Razi's unique discussion of the bi-la kayfa formula: contextualization and political implications
- Middle East Centre Friday Seminar Series Michaelmas Term 2018
- Middle East Centre Women's Rights Research Seminars Michaelmas Term 2018
- Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies Programme Michaelmas Term 2018
- International History of East Asia Seminar Michaelmas Term 2018
- Yara Salahiddeen
- Jordan Miller
- Nelson Elliott Landry
- Silk Road Century: BRI meets Rules Based Order
- China Centre Thursday Seminar Series Michaelmas Term 2018
- IT Information
- Dr Elizabeth Frood in BBC Inside Out South Mini-Documentary
- Hao Wang
- Ruhollah Nasrollahi
- Joel Bell
- Munazza Ebtikar
- Ranjamrittika Bhowmik
- Barbora Sojkova
- Edyta Karimi
- Fudie Zhao 赵芙蝶
- No Offence: Exploring LGBTQ+ Histories Free Exhibition
- Matthew Albanese
- Morad Moazami
- Husam Haj Omar
- Graduate Degrees in Hebrew and Jewish Studies
- Marianna Klar
- I.M. Pei Graduate Scholarship in Islamic Art and Architecture
- Research Conversations Michaelmas Term 2018
- Umberto Bongianino
- Are the US and China doomed to Enmity?
- Party Spirit: Producing a Communist Civil Religion in Contemporary China
- Annual Aris Lecture in Tibetan and Himalayan Studies: Magic, Healing, and Ethics in Tibetan Buddhism
- Judith Olszowy-Schlanger
- A view from the edge: an idiosyncratic perspective on the history of the modern Middle East
- Laura Hassan
- Research Conversations Michaelmas Term 2018
- Jewish Studies MPhil
- Oriental Studies and St Benet's alumnus wins Michael Von Clemm Fellowship at Harvard
- Modern Middle Eastern Studies MSc
- Professor Jacob Dahl interviewed for BBC Future article
- International History of East Asia Seminar Hilary Term 2019
- Middle East Centre Friday Seminar Series Hilary Term 2019
- China Past, Present and Future: Family History and National Destiny
- China Centre Thursday Seminar Series Hilary Term 2019
- Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies Programme Hilary Term 2019
- Dance of the Trillions: Developing Countries and Global Finance
- Crucible: Thirteen Months that Forged China and Our World, 1947–48
- Out of the Gobi: My Story of China and America
- Research Conversations Hilary Term 2019
- Research Conversations Hilary Term 2019
- Exhibition on the study of Ancient Egyptian texts to open soon
- Student bursary available for travel abroad
- Anna Sharko
- Nora K. Schmid
- Translating Korean poet Choi Jeongrye with Mattho Mandersloot
- Oxford Korean Poetry Translation Prize
- Brittany Khedun-Burgoine
- Abigail Green
- Louise Smith
- Workshop: "Quotation practices in pre-modern Arabic: what is an isnād?"
- The Book of Curiosities Project
- Radhakrishnan Memorial Lectures 2019
- Professor Bjarke Frellesvig elected Fellow of the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters
- About Us
- Equality and Diversity
- International History of East Asia Seminar Trinity Term 2019
- Challenging the ideal of solidarity: controversies and conflicts among early Sufis
- China Centre Thursday Seminar Series Trinity Term 2019
- Celebrating Asian Languages
- Middle East Centre Friday Seminar Series Trinity Term 2019
- Support Us
- Contact Us
- History of the Faculty
- Qur’anic Commentary: An Integrative Paradigm (QuCIP)
- Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies Programme Trinity Term 2019
- Lingyin Graduate Scholarship in Buddhist Studies
- Approaching Creative Expression after the 2011 Egyptian Revolution: Challenges and Possibilities for Current Scholarship
- The May Fourth Movement Centenary Lecture: Making China Modern
- Research Conversations Trinity Term 2019
- Song of Praise for a Flower: One Woman’s Journey through China’s Tumultuous 20th Century
- Hong Kong on the Brink, 1987–2019
- Great Achievements, Big Failures: How to Evaluate the Social Changes of the Mao Era
- Neither Near Nor Far: Encounters and Exchanges between Japan and the Middle East
- Emine Cakir wins two awards at the Students’ Union Teaching Awards
- Screening of The Eastern
- Marilyn Booth and Jokha Alharthi win the Man Booker International Prize 2019
- Research Conversations Trinity Term 2019
- Usaama al-Azami
- “China, Law and Development” (CLD) website launched
- Christian C. Sahner shortlisted for the British-Kuwait Friendship Society Prize 2019
- John Lowe awarded a five-year ERC Starting Grant
- Maren Schentuleit
- Middle East Centre Friday Seminar Series Michaelmas Term 2019
- Taube Philanthropies/OCHJS Doctoral Scholarship in Hebrew and Jewish Studies
- International History of East Asia Seminar Michaelmas Term 2019
- Tian Yuan Tan 陳靝沅
- Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies Programme Michaelmas Term 2019
- Ani Shahinian
- TEXTCOURT: Linking the Textual Worlds of Chinese Court Theater, ca. 1600-1800
- China Centre Thursday Seminar Series Michaelmas Term 2019
- In conversation: A Changing Europe and the World
- Medieval Studies MSt
- Comparative Literature and Critical Translation MSt
- Documenting Multiculturalism in Norman Sicily and the Islamicate East
- Music Kyogen: Scrooge
- What do we mean when we talk about statues?
- Research Conversations Michaelmas Term 2019
- Radhakrishnan Memorial Lectures 2020
- Middle East Centre Friday Seminar Series Hilary Term 2020
- Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies Programme Hilary Term 2020
- Vazken Khatchig Davidian
- National Endowment for the Arts Literature Translation Fellowship
- Muhammad and the Empires of Faith: The Making of the Prophet of Islam
- ‘Tradition, Text and Taxonomy at the Origins of the Ibāḍī Movement: A Study in Critical Approaches to Early “Khārijism”’
- Martyrdom on the Margins
- Yallah: Judeo-Arabic Music Workshop and Conference
- China Centre Thursday Seminar Series Hilary Term 2020
- International History of East Asia Seminar Hilary Term 2020
- ‘Long Peace Street: A Walk Along China’s Most Important Street’
- 'Eco-civilisation Meets Eco-authoritarianism: the Political Realities of China's Green Transformation'
- 'Economic Shocks and Authoritarian Stability'
- Research Conversations Hilary Term 2020
- Laura Quick
- Some Thoughts on the Transmission of Qur’an and Sunna
- Lia Chokoshvili
- Roy Allison
- Yaacov Yadgar
- Professor Stefano Zacchetti 1968-2020
- Oriental Studies DPhil
- Stephen Wright Horn
- Oxford Nizami Ganjavi Centre Small Grants
- Online Egyptological Bibliography (OEB) reaches a milestone
- Invisible East – On the Trails of Lapis
- Tutankhamun In Colour
- Research Clusters
- Art and Material Culture
- Three Master's courses reopen for applications
- Cultural Studies
- History
- Language and Linguistics
- Literature
- Manuscripts and Palaeography
- Philosophy
- Politics
- Religion
- Text Editing
- Bible Interpretation MSt
- Statement regarding Professor Jan Joosten
- Ash‘arism Encounters Avicennism
- Dominic Brookshaw awarded the Saidi-Sirjani Book Award
- Polly O'Hanlon elected a Fellow of the British Academy
- Research Projects and Centres
- Completed Projects
- Faculty Officers
- Margaret Hillenbrand awarded British Academy Mid-Career Fellowship and Leverhulme Research Fellowship
- Graduate Admissions
- Research Degrees
- Graduate Joint Degrees
- How to apply & FAQs
- Leyla Najafzada
- Graduate Admissions FAQs
- Ashraf Abdou
- Ming Tak Ted Hui
- Islamicate Manuscripts and Texts Colloquium
- China, Law and Development (CLD)
- Jewish Treasures in Oxford
- Jewish Treasures in Oxford
- Graduate Study
- TEXTCOURT: Linking the Textual Worlds of Chinese Court Theater, ca. 1600-1800
- Hindy Najman
- Islamicate Manuscripts and Texts Colloquium
- “China and the International Legal Order” Virtual Symposium
- Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies Programme Michaelmas Term 2020
- Mike Allaway
- Christopher T. Fleming
- Paul Bevan
- Monks and Mystics: Sufism and Eastern Christianity
- Linguistics from India: new ideas for modern linguistics from ancient India (LINGUINDIC)
- Mohini Gupta
- Research Conversations Michaelmas Term 2020
- China Centre Seminar Series Michaelmas Term 2020
- Ella Williams
- Josef Bloomfield
- Shree Nahata
- Talah Anderson
- Elvira Miceli
- Daniel Wojahn
- Yuanyuan Su 蘇園園
- Sada Payir
- Yasmine Zarhloule
- William Jones
- Dominic Gerhartz
- Qingniao Li
- Alicia Vergara Steinmann
- Cheuk Yee Wai 衞婥怡
- Kateryna Marina
- Christie Carr
- William Blythe
- CHAN Pak-ka Parker 陳柏嘉 (CHEN Bojia)
- Mark Czeller
- Jacob Fordham
- Ohad Kayam
- Mei Yi Lau
- Chloe Cheug-Wing Ng (吳芍詠)
- Angelina Palmen
- Flaminia Pischedda
- Sarah Puetzer
- Alfred Ye
- İrem Yıldız
- The History of the Jewish Book in the Islamicate World
- Ewan Macdonald
- The Future of US‒China Relations – Has China Won?
- Where Next For UK‒China Relations?
- The Oxford Pre-Modern Middle Eastern History Seminar
- China Centre Seminar Series Hilary Term 2021
- International History of East Asia Seminar Hilary Term 2021
- International Relations of China Seminar Series Hilary Term 2021
- Dr David Washbrook
- Georgian
- Research Conversations Hilary Term 2021
- Poverty in the Qur’ān: Medieval Islamic Interpretations and Uses
- Daniela Rosenow
- Yiming Shen
- Maoism: A Global Story
- International History of East Asia Seminar Trinity Term 2021
- China Centre Seminar Series: Conversations
- Lingyin Lecture Series in Buddhist Studies Trinity Term 2021
- 2021 Reading Mahāyāna Scripture Conference Call for Papers
- China Centre International Relations of China Seminar Series
- Dr Laurent Mignon Publication News
- Leverhulme Lectures on “The Reception of Neoplatonism in Armenia”
- Yao Sun
- Susann Kassem
- Vivian Davies
- Renée Friedman
- Victor D'Avella
- Michael Flack
- Anwesha Roy
- Professor Alan Jones
- C. W. Winter
- Oriental Studies Wins a Leverhulme Grant on the Mahābhārata’s Supporting Literature
- The Mahābhārata’s Supporting Texts in Literary Culture and History
- Dorota Molin
- Magical & Literary Enchantment in the Ancient World: The Poetic-Pragmatic Aspect of Ancient Magical Texts
- Reconceptualising Monotheism: Concepts and Cultures in Ancient Israel
- Topics in Ancient Near Eastern Studies and Egyptology
- China Studies Seminar Series
- International Relations of China Seminar Series
- Mandarin Forum
- International History of East Asia Seminar Series
- Xiaojing Miao
- Meditation Sickness and the Ethics of Buddhist Studies
- Caitlyn Olson
- Where is the UK National Interest in our Economic Relationship with China?
- Chan Isn't Just Meditation: Chan Master Hanyue’s Attitude toward Sutra Teachings in the Ming
- Previous divine laws as a source for Islamic jurisprudence
- Joseph O’Hara
- Recognition of Distinction Awards 2021
- Radhakrishnan Memorial Lectures 2022
- Whiteness is a Sankhara: Racial Justice as Buddhist Practice
- Learning Through Visual Materials
- Arash Zeini
- Topics in Ancient Near Eastern Studies and Egyptology: Hilary Term 2022
- China Studies Seminar Series Hilary Term 2022
- International Relations of China Seminar Series
- International History of East Asia Seminar
- ‘How Much is the Truth Worth? Self-sacrifice for a verse of dharma in Indian Buddhist jātaka stories’
- ‘Akliṣṭājñāna, vāsanā and perfect Buddhahood’
- 'America and China in the World: How did we get here, and where should diplomacy go next?'
- Cheuk Yee Wai
- The Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative to participate in Google Summer of Code 2022
- Re-presenting the Tutankhamun archive (EANES)
- Radhakrishnan Memorial Lectures Trinity Term 2022
- Of Other Worlds: New Perspectives on the Literatures of Turkey and Azerbaijan
- Topics in Ancient Near Eastern Studies and Egyptology: Trinity Term 2022
- Appointment to the Numata Professorship of Buddhist Studies
- The Faculty of Oriental Studies Name Change
- Understudied Texts and Authors from the Indian Linguistic Tradition
- Lingyin Lecture Series in Buddhist Studies Trinity Term 2022
- China Studies Seminar Series Trinity Term 2022
- International Relations of China Seminar Series
- Mandarin Forum Trinity Term 2022
- Restless China: mobility in literature, art and film
- International History of East Asia Seminar Series Trinity Term 2022
- Juliana Buriticá Alzate
- Vishal Sharma
- Lingyin Lecture Series in Buddhist Studies Trinity Term 2022
- British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Azerbaijani
- The Invisible East in schools
- Announcing a change of name to the Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies
- Farniyaz Zaker
- Henrietta Harrison shortlisted for the Kenshur Prize for Eighteenth-Century Studies
- The Oxford Sanskrit Play
- Baihui Duan
- Esther Monaghan
- Pranav Prakash
- Leverhulme Trust Early Career Fellowships
- Jaimee Comstock-Skipp
- Kamala Imranli-Lowe
- Kayhan A. Nejad
- Candan Badem
- Andrew Skilton
- Hanna Vertiienko
- Bogdan Diaconescu
- Lea Rees
- Safa Mahmoudian
- Loli Kim
- British Academy International Fellowships - Opportunity for Early Career Researchers from Overseas
- Turkey & Syria Earthquake Relief
- Professor Celia J. Kerslake (1946-2023)
- Francesca Potenza
- Jonathan Lawrence
- Andy Hilkens
- Marina Sartori
- The 9th Ratanbai Katrak Lectures on Zoroastrianism | Prof. Dr. Alberto Cantera - 'With which Yasna shall I worship you’ (kana θβąm yasna yazāne)?
- Professor Mohamed-Salah Omri Leads UK-Tunisian Higher Education Commission
- News and Events
- Events
- News
- Outreach
- Engagement
- Videos
- Decolonising Language Education and Curriculum
- Jacob Fisher
- Chinese Collections at the Bodleian Libraries
- Gagauz Culture and Language of Bessarabia
- Claire MacLeod
- A Conversation with Dr. Tudora Arnaut
- Centre for Manuscript and Text Cultures (CMTC)
- UNIQ Programme
- Lara Bampfield
- Gustavo Fernandes Pedroso
- William Walk
- Pang-Yen Chang
- Hannah Bash
- Kamila Akhmedjanova
- Jennifer Turner
- Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies Statement of Values
- The Holocaust: sharing stories, engaging new audiences
- Hebrew Palaeography Album
- The Visit of Brother Anthony of Taizé
- ‘A Great Unrecorded History’: Towards a LGBTQ+ History
- Equality and Diversity Case Studies
- Ebed-Melech, the African saviour of the prophet Jeremiah
- Pronoun Politics: Highlighting the Importance of Non-Eurocentric Language Histories
- Darig Thokmay
- Adriana Molina-Munoz
- Professor Wilferd Madelung (1930-2023)
- Dr. Jaromir Malek (1943-2023)
- Sarah El-Rashidi
- Cailee Davis
- Chontida Poonpipat
- Karina Atudosie
- Artemii Kuznetsov
- Yin-Change Distinguished Lecture Series: A Zen Foundation for Critical Subjectivity in the New Field of Contemplative Studies
- Analysing the poetics of desire: Gender and eroticism in Sumerian love literature
- Seda Ozturk
- Ziru Chen
- Trent Hugler
- Fozia Tenvir
- Kate Crosby
- Jingyan (Celeste) Pan
- Dan Yang
- Jieun Kiaer and Loli Kim awarded Hendrik-Hamel Prize for Korean Studies
- Wen-chi Li
- Oxford Students Share Arabic Learning Experiences on Tunisian Radio
- Thea Gomelauri
- Juan de Lara
- The Khalili Research Centre for the Art & Material Culture of the Middle East (KRC)
- Professor Nicolai Sinai Elected as Fellow of the British Academy
- Hadith, Piety, and Law: A Conference in Honour of Christopher Melchert
- Resources for Offer Holders/Incoming Students
- Sondra Hausner
- Raihan Ismail
- Tahera Qutbuddin
- Ezgi Başaran
- Manal Shehabi
- Professor Henrietta Harrison shortlisted for the Wolfson History Prize 2023
- Zoe Waxman and Michael Willis receive the title of Full Professor in Recognition of Distinction Awards
- Silvia Lischi
- Adrienn Almásy-Martin
- Fitzroy Morrissey
- Book Launch: The Definitive Zoroastrian Critique of Islam Chapters 11-12 of the Škand Gumānīg-Wizār
- Lecture 4: ‘The Satisfaction of the yazata’ and ‘The Blessing of the ratus’: On the Zoroastrian Long Liturgies
- Oxford Mosaic Accessibility Statement
- Handbooks
- James Mallinson
- Kate Costello
- Andrew Hammond
- Lecture 5: Ritual and Revelation: The Complex Liturgies Based on the Visperad Time
- Lecture 6: Turning the Tables: From the daēnā to the Dēnkard
- Grants (On-Course Funding)
- An Interview with Ahmed Hamden
- Three Rare Uzbek Manuscripts at the Bodleian Libraries (with Nicholas Kontovas)
- Applications for OOC-DTP Studentships Now Open!
- Edmund Howard
- Caroline Davis
- Solomon George FitzHerbert
- The Muslim Difference (Youshaa Patel)
- Ziyang Fang
- Jingke Xiao
- Isara Treesahakiat
- Ella Williams
- Johan Lundberg
- Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies
- Meron-Martin Piotrkowski
- I.M. Pei Scholarship in Islamic Art & Architecture
- Prof. Jieun Kiaer Awarded OPEN Fellowship for Language Education Innovation
- Crossing Ancient Sacred Landscapes: Contacts and Continuities in the Ancient Desert Cults and Beliefs of Northern Arabia and the Arid Southern Levant
- Samir Ng Sum Leung 梁悟心
- Dr. Justin McDaniel | Mapping the City of the Gods: Bangkok, Ethnicity, and the Galactic Polity (Yin Cheng Distinguished Lecture Series)
- Frere Exhibition for Indian Studies 2023 Recipients: Shireen Azam and Aftab Mallick
- ‘Window on Korea’ five-year project has been renewed for the third time from 2023-2027
- Trust Funds
- Ruth Gornandt
- Oliver James Watson (1949-2023)
- Radhakhrishnan Memorial Bequest
- Alessia Zubani
- Ashwini Mokashi
- Yung-Fang Hsu
- Opportunity Oxford
- Turkish Education Foundation UK Scholarship in the Humanities 2024-25
- Ning Zhang
- Professor Nandini Chatterjee appointed to Chair in Indian Culture and History
- Professor Dominic Parviz Brookshaw elected President of the Association of Iranian Studies
- Kazakh Minister of Higher Education Signs MoU with Wolfson College and Oxford Birsöz Initiative
- Call for Papers: Buddhism and Food Ethics
- Book Launch: Afghanistan Dispossessed: Women, Culture and the Taliban
- Junichi Suda
- Year Abroad
- Frere Exhibition for Indian Studies 2024
- The Oxford Birsöz Initiative
- 2024 Astor Lecture in Chinese Literature | From Shi Jing to Internet: The Poetry Republic of China
- Deepanshu Mohan
- ‘Illuminating the Sacred Word’ – translation, commentary, and exegesis in the Buddhist world and beyond
- Theravada and East Asia
- Cerise Jackson
- Sonam Wangmo
- Verna Yu
- Zeinab Azarbadegan
- Professor Garth Fowden (University of Cambridge) | Orienting the Global First Millennium: Iranosphere Perspectives
- Dr Luke Treadwell | Coin Legends and Protocol Texts in the 70s/690s: Emblematic Identity and Monetization of Exchange in the Umayyad State
- Professor Peter Sarris (University of Cambridge) | Justinian Between East and West
- Workshop | Mountains and the Historian
- Andrew Marsham (University of Cambridge) | ‘Re-Framing the Umayyad Empire: Pastoralists, Plague, and Peripheries’
- Prof Julia Bray | ‘Medieval Arabic Literature: What Do You Know, and What Can You Do with It?’
- Alebachew Belay (Debre Berhan University) | ‘Connected “Pagans” from Medieval Ethiopia: Monumental and Artifactual Evidence’
- Louise Rayne (Newcastle University) | ‘Detecting Irrigation and Desertification in the Middle East and North Africa Since the Me
- Dan Reynolds (University of Birmingham) | ‘Charlemagne’s Jerusalem: Rhetoric, Exegesis and the Ninth-Century “Holy Land”’
- Professor Pascal Menoret (Brandeis University) appointed to Khalid bin Abdullah al Saud Professorship for the Study of the Contemporary Arab World
- Leverhulme Research Fellowship awarded to Zeynep Yürekli
- New publication from Professor Bjarke Frellesvig
- Dr Aydogdy Kurbanov | Dehistan (South-West Turkmenistan) in the first half of the 1st Millennium CE
- Dr Anahita Arian (Cambridge/ONGC) | Encounters in the Persianate World: The Safavid Diplomatic Envoy to Siam
- Dr Vali Kaleji: Iran’s Relations with the Republics of Azerbaijan, Armenia and Georgia in the First Period of Independence
- Dr Thomas Welsford (All Souls) | An Armenian Liberal in Revolutionary Samarkand
- Dr Stefan Williamson Fa (ONGC) | Connections and Dis/continuities in Contemporary Aşıq Practice in Georgia
- Matthias Battis: Stalinabad 1930: Aleksandr Semenov & the convergence of scholarship & politics at the Tajik language congress
- Kazakh Minister of Higher Education Signs MoU with Wolfson College and Oxford Birsöz Initiative
- Elizabeth Smithrosser 沈若白
- Professor Jieun Kiaer's Evidence Published in International Development Committee Inquiry
- K-Pop from the Godfather of K-Pop and BTS
- A Conversation with Cha Inpyo
- Demotic
- Alumni
- Egyptologist Rachel Drapper
- Towards a New Asian Community: Its Necessity and Meaning
- Ziwei Ye
- Early Career Opportunities
- Professor Richard Bruce Parkinson Awarded Senior Research Fellowship by the British Academy 5 July 2024
- Nancy Highcock
- Professor Alain George elected as Fellow of British Academy
- Elizabeth Tucker
- Otared Haidar (1964-2024)
- Felicity Crowe
- New ERC Starting Grant Awarded to Dr Federica Gigante for UNSEEN project
- Finn Moore Gerety
- Heather Stoddard
- Nandini Chatterjee
- Young Chan Choi
- Pascal Menoret
- Venerable Khammai Dhammasami - Challenges of Buddhist Studies in Southeast Asia
- Bogdan Diaconescu (University of Oxford) - Udayana's refutation of apoha
- Alumni Reflections: BA Chinese Studies Class 2017-2021
- Glorisun Lecture Series in Buddhist Studies 2024-2025
- Documentary Screening | Amu Darya: River to a Missing Sea
- Aoife Cantrill
- The Genesis of the Turkish Cypriot Novel: An Investigation into the Literature of a Mediterranean Muslim Minority
- Introducing Kazakh to Oxford: An Interview with Minister Sayasat Nurbek
- Arghavan Moharrami
- Simon Maghakyan
- Hark-Joon Lee
- Marathi Language Course Michaelmas Term 2024
- Kate Kwok
- Seth M. Stadel
- Simon Barnes-Sadler
- Marathi
- Hyung-Suk Kim
- Seung-Hee Nah | Resettlement Challenges of North Korean Women through the Lens of an Immigrant
- Professional Services
- Yuliya Cassar Delia
- Academic Postholders
- Associate Members
- Doctoral Students
- Retired Academic Staff
- Visiting Academics
- Professional Services
- Ella Gray
- Funmi Ogunmola
- Shamisa Chasebi
- Luka Milkovic
- Matt Bowerman
- Rob Barlow
- Caitlin Jensen
- Ruth MacDonald
- Diana Rodriguez-Perez
- Heungboga: Exploring Korean Traditional Pansori and Folk Songs
- Locating Silences: The Status and Agency of Women in the Delhi Sultanate
- The Politics of Memory: The Reimagination of Medieval India
- Professor Dominic Parviz Brookshaw Features on In Our Time Podcast
- Erik Reissmann
- Luka (Luhai) Liu
- Abid Zaidi
- Sumeyye Kocaman
- Caleb Klein
- Leonard Gethin
- Mykola Tarasenko
- Martin Dixon
- Yeliz Teber
- Duanran Feng
- Paul Napier
- Margaret Hillenbrand Wins MLA’s Scaglione Prize for East Asian Studies
- Riccardo Paccagnella
- Alfred W. T. Lo
- Xia-Kang Ziyi
- Sonia Merli
- Learning Through Visual Materials Phase II
- James White
- Professor Tahera Qutbuddin Wins Sheikh Hamad Translation Award
- Vacancies
- Clara Pitocchi
- Introduction to Uzbek Language Course
- Dr Finn Moore Gerety Awarded Landmark ERC Synergy Grant for Global Study of Mantras
- Centre for Manuscript and Text Cultures Establishes New Partnership in China
- MANTRAMS - Mantras in Religion, Media, and Society in Global Southern Asia
- Emel Aras
- Kelly Shea
- Stephen Ithel Duran
- Dr Seth M. Stadel Publishes New Translation of the Earliest Syriac Literary Catalogue
- A Visit from Hitotsubashi University
- Chang Yui Cheong Richards
- John Screnock
- Queen’s College Japanologist Theodore Nze Wins at National Japanese Speech Contest
- Hao Chengwen
- Glorisun Graduate Scholarship in Buddhist Studies