Hanna Vertiienko

Dates in Oxford:

10th October 2022-30th September 2023



Academic Visitor


Correspondence  Address: 

33 Stanley Road, flat 2, OX4 1QY, Oxford, UK


Email address:

hanna.vertiienko@ames.ox.ac.uk; vertana77@gmail.com


Research Interests:

I am a specialist in Iranian studies and Scythology. My main research topics are study of spiritual and material culture of the Iranophone nomads of the Eurasian steppe (works of torreutics, anthropomorphic images, mythological and eschatological representations, war cults, funeral rituals, pantheon). I’ve studied Scythian objects in a number of Ukrainian museums, among them Treasury of the National Museum of History of Ukraine. I am also specialized in the research and translation of the Young Avestan texts. As an archaeologist I took part in the excavations of Bilsk settlement in the Forest-Steppe Scythia (Poltava Region, Ukraine) and ancient Hellenic settlements and the necropoleis of Iluraton and Kytea (Eastern Crimea, Ukraine). I am the Editor-in-chief of the Academic journal “The Oriental Studies” (“Shodoznavstvo”) published by the А. Yu. Krymskyi Institute of Oriental Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv.


Selected Publications: 


2015. Ikonohrafiya skifs’koyi eskhatolohiyi [The Iconography of Scythian Eschatology]. Kyiv: Instytut skhodoznavstva im. A. Yu. Kryms’koho; Vydavets’ Oleh Filyuk. 224 p. (In Ukrainian).

Chapters in collective monographs

2022. “The idea of а golden throne in Ancient Iranian tradition”. In: M. K. Jakobsen (ed.), Sociolinguistics: Past, Present and Future Perspectives, New York:  107–119.

2021. “The Saknivka Plate: Scythian Iconography in the Imaging of Eschatological Concepts”. In: L.  Vives-Ferrándiz Sánchez (ed.), Eternal Sadness:  Representations  of  Death  in  Visual  Culture  from Antiquity  to  the Present Time. (Eikón Imago, Vol. 10 (Monographic Issue)). Madrid: 259–270.

2018. “The Temporal Patternonthe Funerary Relief from the “Senior” Trekhbratnyi Barrow”. In: Fahd Mohammed Taleb Saeed Alolaqi (ed.), Exploring Art and Literature: Interpretations, Perspectives and Influences, New York: 1–16.

2017. Glava I. Akhemenidskaya derzhava i eye sosedi / 4. “Skify” pod Memfisom (iranoyazychnyye kochevniki v egipetskoy kampanii Artakserksa ІІІ) [Chapter I. The Achaemenid state and its neighbors / 4. “Scythians” near Memphis (Iranian-speaking nomads in the Egyptian campaign of Artaxerxes III)]. In: O. L. Gabelko, E. V. Rung, A. A. Sinitsyn & E. V. Smykov (eds),  IRANICA: Iranskiye imperii i greko-rimskiy mir v VI v. do n. e. – VI v. n. e. Kazan: 90–102. (In Russian).


2022. “Lux Tenebrarum v predstavleniyakh iranoyazychnykh narodov drevnosti” [“Lux Tenebrarum in the Beliefs of the Ancient Iranian-speaking Peoples”]. Stratum Plus 2: 239–252. (In Russian).

2022 (with M. Tarasenko). “Do interpretatsiyi obraziv na amuletakh-pidviskakh IV st. do n. e. z Pisochyns'koho mohyl'nyka” [“To the Interpretation of Images on the Amulets-Pendants of the 4th Cent. BC from Pisochynsky Burial Ground”]. Shìdnij svìt 3: 59–74. (In Ukrainian).

2021. “Chasha dlya vozliyaniy v indoiranskoy traditsii” [“A Libation bowl in Indo-Iranian tradition”]. In: S. A. Skoryy & S. A. Zadnikov (eds). Ranniy zaliznyy vik Skhidnoyi Yevropy: zbirnyk statey na poshanu Iryny Shramko. Kharkiv & Kotel'va: 83–99. (In Russian).

2021. “Koshtovni metaly u svitohlyadniy systemi davnikh iranomovnykh narodiv za tekstamy Avesty” [“Precious Metals in the Worldview System of Ancient Iranian-Speaking Peoples on the Texts of Avesta”]. Arheologia 1: 29–37. (In Ukrainian).

2021. Vnesok B. A. Shramka u vyvchennya relihiynykh uyavlen' naselennya Lisostepovoyi Skifiyi [Borys Shramko"s contribution to the study of religious beliefs of the population of Forest-Steppe Scythia]. In: S. Posokhov (ed.). Borys Andriyovych Shramko: storinky biohrafiyi, pidsumky doslidzhen', spohady pro vchenoho. Kharkiv & Kotel’va: 55–65. (In Ukrainian).

2021. “Avestiys’ka chasha-tašta v irans’kiy tradytsiyi: vytoky ta reministsentsiyi” [“Avestan tašta-bowl in the Iranian tradition: origins and reminiscences”]. In: M. Tarasenko (ed.). Doislams’kyy Blyz’kyy Skhid: istoriya, relihiya, kul’tura 2. Kyiv: 33–46. (In Ukrainian).

2021. “‘Serebro’ v tekstakh Avesty” [“‘Silver’ in the Texts of Avesta”]. Vestnik drevnei istorii 1, 52­–61. (In Russian).

2020. (with A. Bocharnikova). “O dvukh epitetakh Mitry v Yashte 10.112” [“On the two Epithets of Mithra in Yasht 10.112”]. Vostok. Oriens. Afro-aziatskie obshchestva: istoriia i sovremennost 6: 6­–17. (In Russian).

2020. “K znacheniyu imen i funktsiy mificheskikh ryb v ‘Aveste’” [“Understanding the Names and Functions of Mythical Fishes in the Avesta”]. Voprosy onomastiki 17/2: 166–185. (In Russian).

2019. “‘Zoloto’ v Yashtakh: do semantyky obrazu Vayu [“‘Gold" in Yashts: Towards the Semantics of Vaya Image”]. Shìdnij svìt 2: 63–80. (In Ukrainian).

2019. “‘Skhidna Afrodita" na vyrobakh z terytoriyi Skifiyi (do vytokiv ikonohrafiyi” [“Oriental Aphrodite” on products from the territory of Scythia (to the origins of iconography”]. Arkheolohiya i davnya istoriya Ukrayiny 3/4: 340–347. (In Ukrainian).

2018. “Ozbroyennya davnikh irantsiv za tekstamy Molodshoyi Avesty: dystantsiyna zbroya” [“Weapons of ancient Iranians in the texts of Young Avesta: Remote Weapons”]. Visnyk Kyyivs’koho Natsional'noho universytetu imeni Tarasa Shevchenka 1 (136), 15–18. (In Ukrainian).

2018. “‘Nad rohamy – syla doskonaloyi zovnishnosti" (do obrazu olenya u skifs'komu mystetstvi)” [“‘Over the horns is the power of perfect appearance” (to the image of a deer in Scythian art)”]. Arkheolohiya i davnya istoriya Ukrayiny 27/2: 418–426. (In Ukrainian).

2018. “Do pytannya pro metal v Avesti” [“To the metal in Avesta”]. In: I. V. Nyemchenko (ed.). Starodavnye Prychornomor’ya XII, Odesa: 108–116. (In Ukrainian).

2017. “Heroyika Herrosu (z pryvodu sutnosti skifs’koho lokusu Potoybichchya)” [“The Heroics of Gerrhus (To the Point of the Scythian Underworld Locus)”]. Shìdnij svìt 1–2: 38–47. (In Ukrainian).

2017. “Zhertovnyky z cherepamy v ur. Tsaryna Bil’s’koho horodyshcha (do suti rytualu)” [“Altars with skulls in ur. Tsarina of Bil"sk Settlement (to the essence of the ritual)”]. Arheologia 3, 5–17. (In Ukrainian).

2017. “‘Veretrahna, Akhuroyu stvorenyy”: do ikonohrafiyi davn'oirans'koho voyins'koho bozhestva” [“‘Verethragna, created by Ahura’: to the iconography of an ancient Iranian warriors’ deity]. Shodoznavstvo 79: 53–90. (In Ukrainian).

2016.Magiya protiv ‘vostochnoy ugrozy’: ritual’naya praktika egiptyan vo vremya Vtorogo persidskogo zavoyevaniya” [“Magic against the ‘Eastern Threat’: Egyptian Ritual Practice during the Second Persian Conquest”]. In: І. В. Нємченко (ed.). Starodavnye Prychornomorya XI, Odesa: 99–105. (In Russian).

2016. “‘Luk Mitry’: informativnost’ avestiyskikh istochnikov dlya arkheologicheskikh issledovaniy” [“‘Bow of Mithra’: the information content of Avestan sources for archaeological research”]. In: Kavkaz i step’ na rubezhe epokhi pozdney bronzy i rannego zheleza. Materialy mezhdunarodnoy nauchnoy konferentsii, posvyashchennoy pamyati Marii Nikolayevny Pogrebovoy, Moskva, 25–27 aprelya 2016 g. Moscow: 49–54. (In Russian).

2016. “Znachennya hrafiti v ozdobi mechiv ckifs'koyi doby z Pivnichnoho Prychornomor"ya” [“The value of graffiti in the decoration of the Scythian swords from the Northern Black Sea region”]. Shìdnij svìt 2–3: 163–171. (In Ukrainian).

2016. “Ka–mərəδa v mystetstvi ta rytuali skifiv? (Do semantyky obrazu holovy)” [“Ka-mərəδa in Scythian art and ritual? (To the semantics of the image of the head)”]. Shodoznavstvo 75–76: 51–72. (In Ukrainian).

2015. “Khto sered beztilesnykh bozhestv naybil'sh ozbroyenyy?” (vtilennya Veretrahny za 14-m Yashtom) [“Who among the incorporeal deities is the most armed?” (incarnation of Verethragna in Yasht 14)]. Arkheolohiya i davnya istoriya Ukrayiny 2 (15): 48–54. (In Ukrainian).

2015. “Zbroya dukhiv Potoybichchya v Yashti 13, 45–46” [“Weapons of the Spirits of Beyond in Yasht 13.45-46”]. Shìdnij svìt 2: 110–116. (In Ukrainian).

2015. “Strela: etimologiya termina i arkheologiya” [“Arrow: etymology of the term and archeology”]. In: Arkheologiya bez granits. Kollektsii, problemy, issledovaniya, gipotezy. (Trudy Gosudarstvennogo Ermitazha LXXVII). Saint Petersburg: 88–96. (In Russian).

2015. “Sarmatskiye tseremonial’nyye kinzhaly v kontekste iranskikh predstavleniy” [“Sarmatian ceremonial daggers in the context of Iranian beliefs”]. In: E. P. Tokareva (ed.). Drevniye kul’ty, obryady, ritualy: pamyatniki i praktiki. Zimovniki: 184–193. (In Russian).

2014. “Obraz Daeny v obshcheiranskoy retrospektive” [“The image of Daena in the pan–Iranian retrospective”]. In: Ladoga v kontekste istorii i arkheologii Severnoy Evrazii. Sbornik statey, posvyashchënnyy D. A. Machinskomu. Saint Petersburg: 39–51. (In Russian).

2014. “Концепт ВЕПРЯ в молодоавестійських текстах [“The concept of BOAR in Young Avestan texts”]. Мовні і концептуальні картини світу 50 (1): 140–148. (In Ukrainian).

2014. (with N. Tarasenko). “Skarabey v kontekste pogrebal’nogo obryada skifo-sarmatskikh plemen (na materialakh nekropolya Ilurata)” [“Scarab in the context of the funeral rites of the Scythian-Sarmatian tribes (on the materials of the necropolis of Ilurat)”]. In: Muzeyni chytannya. Materialy naukovoyi konferentsiyi “Yuvelirne mystetstvo: pohlyad kriz’ viky” – Kyiv, Muzey istorychnykh koshtovnostey Ukrayiny, 18–20 lystopada 2013 r. Kyiv: 170–178. (In Russian).

2014.Mladoavestiyskiy termin aštrā- – narrativnyy kontekst i vizual’nyy obraz” [“The Young Avestan term aštrā- narrative context and visual image”]. In: M. Tarasenko (ed.). Doislams’kyy Blyz’kyy Skhid: istoriya, relihiya, kul’tura. Kyiv: 55–62. (In Russian).

2014.Obraz veprya v iranskoy traditsii – narrativ i vizualizatsiya” [“The Image of Boar in the Iranian Tradition – Narrative and Visuality]. Stratum plus 3: 271–280. (In Russian).

2014. “Thanatological Myth Recorded on Scythian Antiquities and in Avestan Literature”. In: Archaeological and Linguistic Research: Materials of the Humboldt-Conference (Simferopol Yalta, 20–23 September, 2012). Кyiv: 123–130. (In Ukrainian).

2014.Oruzhiye Veretragny i voin-vepr’ v paniranskoy crede” [“Weapons of Verethragna and the boar-warrior in a pan-Iranian environment”]. In: Vostok, Evropa, Amerika v drevnosti 3: Sbornik nauchnykh trudov XVIII Sergeyevskikh chteniy. (Trudy istoricheskogo fakul’teta MGU, Vyp.  68, Ser.  2:  Trudy istoricheskogo fakul’teta MGU; 29а). Moscow: 107–113. (In Russian).

2013. “Svyashchennі vtіlennya Veretragni v Yashtі 14” [“Sacred Incarnations of Verethragna in Yasht 14”]. In: Polyphonia Orientis. Do yuvіleyu V. S. Ribalkіna. Kyiv: 33‒51. (In Ukrainian).

2013. “Vooruzheniye drevnikh irantsev po Mladshey Aveste: klinkovoye oruzhiye” [“Armament of the Ancient Iranians in the Young Avesta: blade weapon”]. In: Iranskiy mir II – I tys. do n.e. Materialy mezhdunarodnoy nauchnoy konferentsii, posvyashchennoy pamyati Edvina Arvidovicha Grantovskogo i Dmitriya Sergeyevicha Rayevskogo, 2–3 dekabrya 2013 goda, Moskva. Moscow: 17‒26. (In Russian).

2012. “Thanatological myth in Ancient Egypt and Ancient Iranian world: some parallels”. Shìdnij svìt 4: 131–140. (In Ukrainian).

2012.Relihiyni funktsiyi dzerkala v Skifiyi ta Irani (skifs'ka bohynya ta zoroastriys'ka Daena: spil'ni rysy?)” [“Religious Functions of the Mirror in Scythia and Iran (Scythian Goddess and Zoroastrian Daena: Common Features?)”]. Shìdnij svìt 2: 29–42. (In Ukrainian).

2012. “Skifs’ka ‘novorichna misteriya’ ta yiyi pizni reministsentsiyi” [“The Scythian ‘New Year’s mystery’ and its later reminiscences]. Visnyk Kyyivs’koho natsional’noho universytetu imeni Tarasa Shevchenka. Seriya “Istoriya” 110: 13–15. (In Ukrainian).

2011. “Stsena ‘ofiruvannya barana’ na sakhnivs’kiy plastyni?” [“The scene of ‘ramming’ on the Sakhnivka plate?”]. In: Muzeyni chytannya. Materialy naukovoyi konferentsiyi “Yuvelirne  mystetstvo:  pohlyad  kriz'  viky”  –  Kyyiv,  Muzey  istorychnykh  koshtovnostey Ukrayiny, 15–17 lystopada 2010 r. Kyiv: 75–89. (In Ukrainian).

2011. “O skifskoy klyatve v Luc., Tox., 38” [“On the Scythian oath in Luc., Tox., 38”]. In: Bosporskiy fenomen. Naseleniye, yazyki, kontakty. Materialy mezhdunarodnoy nauchnoy konferentsii (Sankt-Peterburg, 22–25 noyabrya 2011 g.). Saint Petersburg: 567–575. (In Russian).

2011. “Pro odnu formu tsars’koho farnah u skifiv” [“On one form of royal farnah of the Scythians”]. Shìdnij svìt 2: 68–75. (In Ukrainian).

2010. “Zobrazhennya skifs’koyi tanatolohichnoyi mifolohemy na sakhnivs’kiy plastyni” [“The image of the Scythian thanatological mythem on the Sakhnivka plate”]. Shìdnij svìt 3: 59‒73. (In Ukrainian).

2010. “‘Skifskiy arfist’ (k interpretatsii odnoy iz stsen sakhnovskoy plastiny)” [“The Scythian harper” (to the interpretation of one of the scenes of the Sakhnovka Plate)”]. In: Izobrazitel’noye iskusstvo v arkheologicheskom nasledii. (Arkheologicheskiy al’manakh 21). Donetsk: 320–332. (In Russian).

2010. “Skifs’ke shchorichne ὁρτη (Herod., Hist., IV, 7,2) i osetyns’ke povir’ya pro kuыrыsdzau” [“The Scythian annual ὁρτη (Herod., Hist., IV, 7,2) and the Ossetian куырысдзау belief”]. In: Oriyental’ni studiyi v Ukrayini. Do yuvileyu L. V. Matvyeyevoyi. Kyiv: 111–125. (In Ukrainian).

2009. “Do problemy morfolohiyi davn'oirans’koho pokhovannya” [“To the Morphology of Ancient Iranian Burial”]. Universytet 3 (29): 88–95. (In Ukrainian).

2009. “K interpretatsii semantiki zolotoy plastiny iz Sakhnovki” [“On the interpretation of the semantics of the Sakhnovka golden plate”]. In: Bosporskiy fenomen. Iskusstvo na periferii antichnogo mira. Materialy mezhdunarodnoy nauchnoy konferentsii. Saint Petersburg: 515–522. (In Russian).

2008. “Pokhoval’no-pomynal’nyy obryad iranomovnykh nomadiv (mizhdystsyplinarnyy pidkhid)” [“Funeral rites of Iranophone nomads (multidisciplinary approach)”]. Shodoznavstvo 41–42: 3–13. (In Ukrainian).

2007. “Pryntsypy ta modeli rekonstruyuvannya pokhoval’no-pomynal’noyi obryadovosti iranomovnykh narodiv Yevraziys’koho Stepu” [“Principles and models of reconstruction of the funeral rites of the Iranophone peoples of the Eurasian Steppe”]. Shodoznavstvo 39–40: 3–23. (In Ukrainian).

2007. Lodka v pogrebal’nom obryade epokhi paleometalla na territorii Ukrainy” [“The boat in the funeral rites of the Paleometallic Era in Ukraine”]. Arkheologicheskiye zapiski 5: 7–16. (In Russian).


PDFs of the publications are available here:


and here: https://www.oriental-studies.org.ua/en/vertiienko-hanna/

hanna vertiienko