Trust Funds

The Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies has a number of trust funds that support a wide range of activities.

Some of these trust funds are already committed to specific professorships and prizes that do not accept unsolicited applications (details of these funds here).

There are other trust funds associated with specific subject groups (listed below) that may accept applications. Full details about these subject group trust funds can be found here. 

Fund Applications

To apply, please fill out the application form and return it to It is always advisable to contact if you have any queries regarding your application to any of the Trust Funds listed on the Faculty Website.


Fund Name

Subject Area

Typical Awards 

Egyptology and the Ancient Near East

A.H. Gardiner Settlement


Grants to postgraduates, travel and subsistence,

student bursaries

GA Wainwright Near Eastern Arch Fund

Near Eastern Archaeology

Schools' digital poster prize,research grants,


Griffith Egyptological Fund


Travel expenses, publication costs,

excavation participation

Sarah J Clackson Coptic Fund


Travel and research grants for Coptic manuscripts

Hebrew, Jewish, and Eastern Christian Studies

Dolabani Fund for Syriac Studies

Syriac Studies

Support for students, book purchases, living


Kennicott Fund

Hebrew Studies

Postdoctoral research fellowships, conference


James Mew Scholarships

Arabic & Rabbinical Hebrew

Language study scholarships, research support

Marjory Wardrop Fund

Georgian Studies

Library enhancement, publishing, student support

Nubar Pasha Armenian Scholarships

Armenian History & Literature

Student support, research grants, conference


Pusey and Ellerton Fund

Theology/Hebrew Studies

Travel costs, study support

Segal Fund

Hebrew & Jewish Studies

DPhil thesis support, research grants

Inner and South Asia

Boden Fund


Travel awards, maintenance grants

Glorisun Graduate Scholarship

in Buddhist Studies

Buddhist Studies

Graduate scholarships for Buddhist studies

Max Muller Memorial Fund

Ancient India

Research travel support, conference participation

Radhakhrishnan Memorial Bequest

Indian Studies

Research costs, conferences, maintenance support

Japanese and Korean

Clough Travel Fund

Japanese Studies

Undergraduate study abroad, research trips

Sasakawa Fund

Japanese Studies

Scholarships, research grants, travel grants

Young Bin Min-KF University Lectureship

in Korean Language

Korean Studies

Travel to conferences, invited speaker support

Chinese Studies

Davis Scholarships in Chinese

Chinese Studies

Scholarships, research travel, book purchases

W.N. Thomas Tam Fund

for Chinese Studies

Chinese Language

Language teaching support, student travel grants

Arabic, Persian, and Turkish

James Mew Scholarships

Arabic & Rabbinical Hebrew

Language study scholarships, research support

Jill Hart Trust for Indo-Iranian Philology

Indo-Iranian Philology

Language teaching and philology study support

Mustafa Badawi Prize

Modern Arabic Literature

Annual essay prize in Arabic literature

Sheikh Zayed Endowment Fund

Islamic Studies

Scholarships, associate professorship,

graduate research support