Lea Rees
Position(s) Held
Lady Wallis Budge Junior Research Fellow in Egyptology; Associate Member of the Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies
Correspondence Address
University College, Oxford, OX1 4BH
Research Interests
My research interests cover a range of topics, ranging from Egyptian archaeology, in particular settlement archaeology, landscape archaeology, cultural interactions, and research history, to theoretical approaches to ancient and modern archaeological case studies. My main area of work lies with two major archaeological projects: excavations at the site of Dahshur, lying ca. 25 km south of Cairo, as well as in the tomb of Ramesses III in the Valley of the Kings (KV 11).
Current Projects
- Post-Doc Project at the University of Oxford: ‘Historicising phenomenology. A landscape biography of Dahshur’
- Fieldwork at Dahshur with the German Archaeological Institute in Cairo: https://www.dainst.org/en/projekt/-/project-display/58761
- Research in museums and archives as well as fieldwork with the Ramesses III (KV 11) Publication and Conservation Project: https://www.ramesses-iii-project.com/english/the-project/
Recent Publications
- ‘Third Report on the Publication and Conservation of the Tomb of Ramesses III in the Valley of the Kings (KV 11)’, with A. Weber and W. Hovestreydt, in: Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 107, pp. 79-104.
- ‘KV 11 Revisited. Collecting Archive Material in Oxford and London Concerning the Tomb of Ramesses III’, with A. Weber and W. Hovestreydt, in: Egyptian Archaeology 58, 2021, pp. 36-41.
- ‘Second Report on the Publication and Conservation of the Tomb of Ramesses III in the Valley of the Kings (KV 11)’, with A. Weber et al., Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt 56, 2020, pp. 213-246.
- ‘The Sarcophagus Ensemble of Ramesses III from KV 11: New Insights from Old Manuscripts and Recent Finds’, with H. Strudwick, in: A. Weber/M. Grünhagen/L. Rees/J. Moje (eds.), Akhet Neheh. Studies in Honour of Willem Hovestreydt on Occasion of his 75th Birthday, London 2020, pp. 43-55.
Full Publications
Monographs in preparation
- Dahschur V: Der Mastabakomplex des Ipi, with N. Alexanian, and contributions by A. Nerlich and H. Sourouzian, to be published in Archäologische Veröffentlichungen 137
- Entwurf einer Sozialtopographie Dahschurs. Über die zeitlichen, funktionalen und sozialen Transformationen einer antiken Kulturlandschaft, to be published in Sonderschriften des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts Kairo
Edited volumes
- Akhet Neheh. Studies in Honour of Willem Hovestreydt on Occasion of his 75th Birthday, edited by A. Weber/M. Grünhagen/L. Rees/J. Moje, GHP Egyptology Series 33, London 2020.
Articles on Dahshur
- ‘A phenomenological approach to the settlements of the Old Kingdom at Dahshur’, in: F. Keshk (ed.), Conference Proceedings of the International Conference ‘Living in the House. Researching the Domestic Life in Ancient Egypt and Sudan’, 27th-30th of November 2022, Cairo, in prep.
- ‘Dahshur before Snefru. A critical evaluation of the theories concerning Early Dynastic activities at the site’, in: Y. Tristant (ed.), Egypt at its Origins 7. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt, Paris 19th-23rd of September 2022, in prep.
- ‘The Archaeology of What is no Longer There. The Human Factor in the Construction, Maintenance, and Deconstruction of the Monumental Pyramid Site of Dahshur’, with K. Gospodar, 6th Research Network ‘Building, Building Economy, Building Sites’ of the German Archaeological Institute in Istanbul, in prep.
Articles on the Tomb of Ramesses III (KV 11)
- ‘Third Report on the Publication and Conservation of the Tomb of Ramesses III in the Valley of the Kings (KV 11)’, with A. Weber and W. Hovestreydt, in: Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 107, pp. 79-104.
- ‘KV 11 Revisited. Collecting Archive Material in Oxford and London Concerning the Tomb of Ramesses III’, with A. Weber and W. Hovestreydt, in: Egyptian Archaeology 58, 2021, pp. 36-41.
- ‘Second Report on the Publication and Conservation of the Tomb of Ramesses III in the Valley of the Kings (KV 11)’, with A. Weber et al., Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt 56, 2020, pp. 213-246.
- ‘The Sarcophagus Ensemble of Ramesses III from KV 11: New Insights from Old Manuscripts and Recent Finds’, with H. Strudwick, in: A. Weber/M. Grünhagen/L. Rees/J. Moje (eds.), Akhet Neheh. Studies in Honour of Willem Hovestreydt on Occasion of his 75th Birthday, London 2020, pp. 43-55.
Articles on Archaeological Theory
- ‘Raumbilder als Träume vergangener Gesellschaften. Raumsoziologische Ansätze in den deutschsprachigen Altertumswissenschaften’, in: M. Renger/S.-M. Rotermund/S. Schreiber/A. Veling (eds.), Theorie / Archäologie / Reflexion. Kontroversen und Ansätze im deutschsprachigen Diskurs, Theoriedenken in der Archäologie 1-2, in prep.
- ‘From a Laboratory of Power to a Laboratory of Violence: The Panoptic Layout of the Nazi Concentration Camp at Sachsenhausen and the Diverging Intentions of Disciplinary and Absolute Power’, in: Journal of Contemporary Archaeology 7.1, 2020, pp. 112-134.
- ‘Die Produktion subalterner Möglichkeitsräume: Zur Umnutzung, Besetzung und Ambivalenz von Raum anhand altägyptischer Beispiele’, with S. Schreiber, in: Forum Kritische Archäologie 8, 2019, pp. 114-134.
- ‘Eine raumsoziologische Analyse der Ramsesstadt’, in: Das Altertum 62, 2017, pp. 181-196.
Articles on Bes
- ‘Die Integration des Gottes Bes in die achämenidische Ikonographie’, in: T. Bagh/O.E. Kaper/Ch.E. Loeben (eds.), Bes, Egyptologische Uitgaven, in prep.
- ‘Bès en Perse. De la popularité d’un dieu égyptien dans l’Empire achéménide’, in: Égypte, Afrique et Orient 102, 2021, pp. 51-58.