Yasmine Zarhloule


St Antony's College


DPhil Oriental Studies (Modern Middle Eastern Studies)



Educational Background:

2018-2019 MSc Modern Middle Eastern Studies (University of Oxford) 

2016-2017 MA International Relations (University of Warwick) 

2013-2016 BA Politics and International Relations (University of Warwick)

Research Interests:

Nationalisms and nation-state building in the Maghreb; borders and the politics of space; postcolonial theories and non-Western IR; the politics of emotions and micropolitics in IR. 

Recent Publications:

Zarhloule, Y. (2020) "Framing nationalism in times of a pandemic: The Case of Morocco.", POMEPS Studies No. 39

Conferences and workshops: 

November 2020: Association for Middle East and Africa (ASMEA) Thirteenth Annual Conference, Washington DC - online platform. 

  • Panel presentation: "Conflict and Control in the Maghreb" 
  • Understanding bilateral relations in the Maghreb: A border perspective. 

October 2020: King's College London, "Navigating North Africa in 2020: Dominating Narratives and New Perspectives" Conference. 

  • Panel presentation: "Transregional threats and challenges: Terrorism, Migration and Smuggling" 
  • Regional (in)security: Mapping out regional flows and unity in the post-independence Maghreb. 

July 2020: Rabat Institute for Social Sciences, "Repenser l'histoire: perspectives critiques du nationalisme au Maroc" Webinar. 

  • Narrating silences in the Moroccan nationalist memory 

May 2019: Modern Maghreb Research Workshop, University of Oxford. 

  • Presentation: Theorising Emotions: Inter-state rivalry and regional integration in the Maghreb. 

June 2017: Fifth Annual Postgraduate Conference in Politics and International Relations, University of Nottingham. 

  • Presentation: The role of trauma and emotions in Identity and State Formation

May 2017: Postgraduate Conference in Politics and International Relations, University of Warwick. 

Yasmine Zarhloule