Theo Maarten van Lint

Calouste Gulbenkian Professor of Armenian Studies | Fellow of Pembroke College
Co-Founder, with Dr Meryem Kalaycı, of the Oxford Network for Armenian Genocide Research (ONAGR)
Faculty / College Address:
Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies / Pembroke College
Research Interests:
- Armenian poetry
- Medieval Armenian literature
- Armenian Mysticism and Spirituality
- Armenian literary and intellectual life in Iran, the Ottoman Empire and Russia in the 17th-19th centuries
- Modern Armenian literature and its international context from the 19th century onward
DPhil Supervision:
- Mr Daniel Gallaher (joint supervision with Prof Phil Booth)
- Ms Juliana Pars (joint supervision with Prof Christina Maranci, Harvard University)
- Mr Liam Walk
Collaboration with Leverhulme Visiting Professor Valentina Calzolari, Trinity Term 2023 (also Hilary and Trinity Terms 2021)
Dr Valentina Calzolari, Full Professor in Armenian Studies at the University of Geneva and corresponding member of the Institut de France (Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres) will be in Oxford from May 19 to end July of this year as Leverhulme Visiting Professor, working with Theo Maarten van Lint, Calouste Gulbenkian Professor of Armenian Studies. This follows upon her six-month stay in Oxford from February to July 2021, in the same capacity. Professor Calzolari’s double background in Classics and Armenian Studies informs her expertise in the “Hellenising School” of Armenian literature and in the transmission of Neoplatonism in Armenia, both part of the transmission of the Greek heritage in Armenia.
Prof. Calzolari's Positions, Publications and Research interests: Profile (AMES); Profile (Université de Genève)
2023 Trinity Term Leverhulme Public and other Lectures
13 June, Tuesday 8th week, 5pm: Fifth Leverhulme Lecture The Reception of Neoplatonism in Armenia, followed by book launch of Valentina Calzolari (ed.) Les arts liberaux et les sciences dans l'Arménie ancienne, Paris: Vrin 2023. Pembroke College, Mary Hide Eccles Room.
6 June, Tuesday 7th week, 5pm: Book Launch and Discussion, The Apocryphal Acts of the Apostles in Armenia, Leuven: Peeters 2022. Author: Valentina Calzolari, Discussant: Sebastian Brock. Pembroke College, SCR Parlour, Chapel Quad, Fellows' Staircase.
2021 Eight Text-Reading Seminars: Hilary and Trinity Terms
During the Hilary and Trinity Terms, Prof. Calzolari will offer a text-reading Seminar on the Armenian translation of the commentaries of David, and especially of the Prolegomena, open to all staff and students in Armenian Studies, Classics, History of Philosophy, Linguistics, and others who might profit from them. The text will be translated and commented in English in order to make it accessible also to people without Armenian or Greek, but interested in the content of the works and in the modalities of the transmission of Greek thought. They are all very much welcome. The original texts will be available both in Armenian and in Greek, and commented upon, for people mastering one or both of these languages.
2021 Leverhulme Public Lectures: Trinity Term
Four lectures on “The Reception of Neoplatonism in Armenia”
Week 5 Thursday, May 25 Mapping the paths of the ‘Libraries of the Neoplatonists’ after 529: the Armenian step
Week 6 David the Invincible philosopher in the Armenian tradition
Week 7 Tuesday, June 8 David's Prolegomena to Philosophy
Week 8 Tuesday, June 15 The Medieval reception of Aristotle and Late Platonism in Armenia(-n)
Other Projects
The Letters of Grigor Magistros Pahlavuni (985-1058): translation and commentary. Grigor Magistros Pahlavuni (985-1059) was an erudite layman, whose epistolary is a mine of information on theology, literature, mythology, politics and other matters. The language of the letters is often complex, and represents an example of Grecising Armenian. Their translation and commentary is a desideratum in Armenian studies and is of importance for adjacent fields as well.
The Reception of the Throne Vision of Ezekiel in Armenian Literature and Art.
The prophet Ezekiel's vision at the river Chebar in Babylon has given rise to mystical and political interpretations in Armenia, expressed in biblical commentaries, poems, manuscript illuminations and other works of art for over a millennium. I am working on two larger texts:
- Vardan Anec‘i’s Panegyric on the Divine Chariot (10th-11th c.): Translation and commentary;
- Esayi Nč‘ec‘i’s Commentary on the Book of Ezekiel (1303): Critical edition, translation, and study.
Translation into Dutch of Grigor Narekac‘i's Book of Lamentation (Մատեան ողղբերգութեան). The first 15 (of 95) prayer-poems were published in November 2018, entitled Grigor Narekatsi. Het Boek Der Weeklaging. Gebeden 1-15 (Yerevan: Tigran Mec).
Ashough Poetry and Storytelling: Asli and Kearam. In cooperation with Ms Vergine Gulbenkian, London based storyteller.
Kostandin Erznkac’i (13th-14th c.): his poems, their function, and their environment.
Editing, together with Dr Emilio Bonfiglio (Universität Hamburg) of the volume on Literature in the Handbook of Armenian Studies of the Association Internationale des Etudes Arméniennes, published by Brill, Leiden.
Editing of a collaborative volume on the treatise Concerning the Iconoclasts by Vrt‘anēs Kert‘oł, containing the proceedings of a workshop organised together with Professors Christina Maranci (Tufts), Thomas F. Mathews (emeritus, NYU) and Jaś Elsner (Oxford). The volume will also contain a new translation of the treatise, by Christina Maranci and Theo Maarten van Lint.
Seminars 2024-2025
Convenor of the Armenian Studies Seminar (tbc)
Convenor of the Eastern Christianity Seminar (tbc)
- “Christianising Lay Commemoration of the Dead in 11th Century Armenia. Grigor Pahlawuni Magistros’ Funeral Lament for Sparapet Vahram Pahlawuni”, in Emilio Bonfiglio and Claudia Rapp (eds), Armenia and Byzantium Without Borders. Mobility, Interactions, Responses, Leiden – Boston: Brill 2023, 62-124.
- Review of: Abraham Terian, From the Depths of the Heart. Annotated Translation of the Prayers of St. Gregory of Narek. Collegeville, Minnesota: Liturgical Press 2021, St Nersess Theological Review , 2023, 169-187.
- Revision of entries/bibliographies to entries "Armenia, Christianity in", "Armenian Version of New Testament", "Eznik", "Gregory the Illuminator, St.", "Hegesippus, St.", "Isaac the Great, St.", "Marcion", "Mesrob, St.", "Movsēs Xorenac‘i / Khorenats‘i", "Nersēs, St.", in Andrew Louth (ed.) The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church, Fourth Edition, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2022.
- "Armenian" in Stratis Papaioannou (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Byzantine Literature. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2021, 606-620.
- "A Matean ołbergut‘ean by Grigor Tłay: On the Reception of the Narek in Cilicia", in Dali Chitunashvili (ed.) The Caucasus Between East and West II. Historical and Philological Studies in Honour of Zaza Aleksidze. Tbilisi: Korneli Kekelidze Georgian National Centre of Manuscripts 2021, 445-471.
- “On Poetry, Poetics, and the Gift of a Crosier: an 11th Century Letter by Grigor Pahlawuni Magistros toCatholicos Petros Getadarj”, in Vahan Ter-Łewondyan, Sona Baloyan et alii (eds), Tonagir. Gitakan žołovacu Lewon Ter-Petrosyani 75-amyaki aṙt‘iv (Festschrift in Honor of Levon Ter-Petrossian’s 75th Anniversary). Yerevan: Matenadaran 2021, 358-382.
- "Some Further Observations on Colophons in Verse: The Earliest Two Examples", Mélanges Ouzounian. Revue des Etudes Arméniennes 39 (2020), 169-186.
- Review of: Armenia: Art, Religion, and Trade in the Middle Ages. Helen C. Evans, ed. Exh. Cat. New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2018, in Renaissance Quarterly 73/4 (2020), 1343-1344.
- Sint Grigor Narekatsis Boek der weeklaging. Een religieus en literair meesterwerk van een tiende-eeuwse mysticus en kerkleraar (Verkenningen Oosters Christendom, 9). Nijmegen: Instituut voor Oosters Christendom, 2020. 44p.
- "Kostandin of Erznka's vademecum for the Spiritual Life. A Medieval Armenian Poetic Collection from the Early 14th Century", in Claire Le Feuvre et Daniel Petit (éds), Ὀνομάτων ἵστωρ Mélanges offerts à Charles de Lamberterie (Collection linguistique publié par la Société de linguistique de Paris, CVI. Leuven - Paris: Peeters 2020, 129-145.
- Uwe Bläsing, Jasmine Dum-Tragut, Theo Maarten van Lint (eds.), Armenian, Hittite and Indo-European Studies. A Commemoration Volume for Jos J.S. Weitenberg (Hebrew University Armenian Studies, 15). Louvain: Peeters 2019.
- "The Miniature of Ezekiel's Throne Vision in the Erznka Bible of 1269 (J1925) and its Textual Background, in Bläsing, Dum-Tragut and van Lint 2019, 403-421.
- "The Magna Carta and the Constitution for the Brotherhood of Erznka of 1280: Texts and Protagonists", in Albert Step‘anyan (ed.), Պատմության Հարցեր 5, Ազատությունների Մեծ Խարտիա - 800 Տարեգիրք Միջազգային գիտաժողովի հոդվածների ժողովածու. Problems of History 5, Magna Carta Libertatum (The Great Charter of Liberties) - 800. Annual Proceedings of International Conference, Erevan: Armenian Association for Global History 2019, 94-138.
- Review of Haig Utidjian, Treasures of the Earliest Christian Nation. Spirituality, Art and Music in Medieval Armenian Manuscripts. Z pokladu nejstarších křestanů. Spiritualita, umění a hudba v rukopisech středověké Arménie Prague: Královská kanonie premonstrátů na Strahově 2018, 336 pages. ISBN: 978-80-88009-15-3. Le Muséon, 131 (2018), (3/4), 487-490.
- Grigor Narekatsi, Het Boek der Weeklaging. Gebeden 1 tot en met 15 vertaald en van een inleiding en nawoord voorzien door Theo Maarten van Lint met een Voorwoord van Eddy Reefhuis. Jerevan: Tigran Mets - Amsterdam: Sint Grigor Narekatsi Stichting 2018, 103 pp.
- "Verworpenheid, terugkeer en transformatie in Grigor Narekatsi, Boek van Weeklaging, gebed 39 en 40", Liber amicorum Albert ten Kate. Bergen op Zoom 2018, 28-40.
- "De Armeense Apostolische Kerk", in H.G.B. Teule en A. Brüning (eds.), Handboek Oosters Christendom, Leuven: Peeters 2018, 245-266.
- 24 entries in Oliver Nicholson (ed.), The Oxford Dictionary of Late Antiquity, Oxford: Oxford University Press 2018.
- "For Whom the Bell Tolls. Մատեան ողբերգութեան ՂԲ բանը եւ Ջոն Դոնի «Ում համար է ղօղանջում զանգը» (Աղօթքներ անսպասելի դիպվածներու առթիւ, XVII) (Prayer 92 of Grigor Narekac‘i's Book of Lamentation and John Donne's For Whom the Bell Tolls, Devotions upon Emergent Occasions, XVII), Բանբեր Մատենադարանի 23 (2016), 37-55.
- "Armenian Colophons in Verse, 1641-1660", in Anna Sirinian, Paola Buzi, Gaga Shurgaia (eds.), Colofoni armeni a confronto. Le sottoscrizioni dei manoscritti in ambito armeno e nelle altre tradizioni scrittorie del mondo mediterraneo. Atti Del Colloquio Internazionale Bologna, 12-13 Ottobre 2012 (OCA 299). Roma: Ponteficio Istituto Orientale 2016, 73-84.
- Krikor Momdjian, Wanderings. Պանդխտութեան մէջ In de Diapora բանաստեղծութիւններ. Poems Gedichten Poèmes. Alphen aan den Rijn: Momdjian Stichting 2016 - editor, workshop joint-leader and co-translator of 43 poems from Armenian into English.
- "Luminous Words Seeking the Taste of Paradise", in Krikor Momdjian, Wanderings. Պանդխտութեան մէջ In de Diapora բանաստեղծութիւններ. Poems Gedichten Poèmes. Alphen aan den Rijn: Momdjian Stichting 2016, 13-15.
- "Prefiguring: Markers on the Road to Eden", in Krikor Momdjian, Wanderings. This is all We. Alphen aan den Rijn: Momdjian Stichting 2016, 13-15.
- "Among Others: Greek in Context in the Letters of Grigor Magistros Pahlawuni (eleventh century)", in Francesca Gazzano, Lara Pagani, and Giusto Traina (eds.), Greek Texts and Armenian Traditions. An Interdisciplinary Approach (Trends in Classics - Supplementary Volumes, 39) Berlin / Boston: De Gruyter 2016, 197-213.
- "Sis. The Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia", in David Wallace (ed.) Europe. A Literary History 1348-1418. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2016, Vol. II, 259-281.
- "Tracce di una civiltà. L'Armenia alla Bodleian Library", Alumina 52 (2016), 28-36.
- Armenia. Masterpieces from an Enduring Culture Oxford: Bodleian Library University of Oxford 2015 (Eds. Theo Maarten van Lint & Robin Meyer)
- Review:
- "Վաղ շրջանի պատմագրությունը Գրիգոր Մագիստրոսի ստեղծագործություններում" (Historiography of the Early Period in Grigor Magistros's Works), Բանբեր Մատենադարանի 21 (2014), 97-103 (published April 2015).
- Thomas F. Mathews with Theo Maarten van Lint, "The Kars-Tsamandos Group of Armenian Illuminated Manuscripts of the 11th Century", in Neslihan Asutay-Effenberger & Falko Daim (Hrsg), Der Doppeladler. Byzanz und die Seldschuken in Anatolien vom späten 11. bis zum 13. Jahrhundert. Mainz: Verlag des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseum Mainz 2014, 85-95.
- "Armenian Merchant Patronage of New Julfa's Sacred Spaces", in Mohammad Gharipour (ed.), Sacred Precincts. The Religious Architecture of Non Muslim Communities across the Islamic World, Leiden - Boston: Brill 2014, 308-333. (With Amy Landau)
- "La cultura armena nella visione del mondo di Grigor Magistros Pahlawuni", in Carmela Baffioni, Rosa Bianca Finazzi, Anna Passoni Dell'Acqua, Emidio Vergani (eds.), Storia e pensiero religioso nel Vicino Oriente. L'Età Bagratide - Maimonide - Afraate. III Dies Academicus, Milano: Biblioteca Ambrosiana Bulzoni Editore 2014, 3-22.
- "Medieval Poetic Texts", in Valentina Calzolari (ed.) with the Collaboration of Michael E. Stone, Armenian Philology in the Modern Era. From Manuscript to Digital Text. Leiden-Boston: Brill 2014, 377-413.
- "Geometry and Contemplation: The Architecture of Vardan Anec'i's Vision of the Throne-Chariot. Theosis and the Art of Memory in Armenia", in Kevork B. Bardakjian and Sergio La Porta (eds.), The Armenian Apocalyptic Tradition. A Comparative Perspective. Leiden - Boston: Brill 2014, 217-241.
30 May 2022 The Naghash Ensemble "Poems of Exile, Poems of Wisdom", modern musical interpretation of the works of the medieval Armenian poets Mkrtich Naghash and Kostandin Erznkatsi
Prime time interview as part of broadcast on Narekatsi Readings in Amsterdam on Armenian Television Channel 1, 16 April 2019:
Armenia & Byzantium. Perspectives on Cultural and Political Relations. Graduate and Early Career Workshop. Radcliffe Humanities Building, University of Oxford, 22-23 March 2019. Organised by Dr David Zakarian and Prof Theo Maarten van Lint in collaboration with Dr Emilio Bonfiglio (University of Vienna) and Prof. Claudia Rapp (University of Vienna and Austrian Academy of Sciences). Keynote Lecture: Three Thought Experiments in Armenian and Byzantine Art by Professor Christina Maranci (Tufts University).
Laudatio, 1998 – 2018 | DAS DOPPELJUBILÄUM 20 Jahre Kulturabkommen zwischen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (vertreten durch das Land Sachsen-Anhalt) und der Republik Armenien sowie Armenologische Arbeitsstelle MESROP an der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg Martin-Luther-Universität, Halle-Wittenberg (18-10-2018):
Interview with Yerkir TV, Armenia (Dec 2017, broadcast 19 January 2018) ( - no longer available)
Interview with Artsakh TV, Armenia (Dec 2017, broadcast January 2018) :
XIVth General Conference, Association Internationale des Études Arméniennes (AIEA), Humanties Building, Radcliffe Observatory Quarter and Pembroke College, University of Oxford 10-12 August 2017
Chair, Organising Committee
Organising Committee Members, University of Oxford:
Dr Hratch Tchilingirian, Dr David Zakarian, Mr Nik Matheou, Ms Alex MacFarlane
Organising Committee Members, AIEA:
Prof Valentina Calzolari (Geneva, President), Dr Irene Tinti (Geneva, Treasurer), Prof Bernard Coulie (UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve), Prof Armenuhi Drost-Abgarjan (Halle), Prof Alessandro Orengo (Pisa), Prof Marco Bais (Roma)
Guest class Sint Grigor Narekatsi School, Amsterdam (14 May 2017) (no longer available)
01-07-2022 - Centre for the Study of Manuscript Cultures, Universität Hamburg. Conference Illuminating the Eastern Christian World "Patrons, Texts, Transmission: Ezekiel’s Throne Vision in Ani, Yerznka and Gladzor (10-14th Centuries)"
27-06-2022 - Oxford Interfaith Forum (online) "Grigor Narekac‘i. Introduction and Reading from the Book of Lamentation"
07-05-2022 - Programme of Armenian Studies & Universiteit Gent. Second Taniel Varouzhan Annual Lecture. "Writing between Hope and Tragedy: The Life and Work of Eghia Demirjibashian"
04-05-2022 - Literaire Tafel Gent "Taniel Varoezjan - Voordracht van een aantal vertalingen met inleiding in leven en werk"
Fellow of the Fund for the Advancement of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Israel Academy of Sciences, Spring 2022
03-04-2022 - The Hebrew University of Jerusalem "A Tale of Loss and Glory: The Life and Work of an 11th Century Armenian Polymath and their Resonance Today"
31-03-2022 - The Haifa Center for Mediterranean History, The University of Haifa "Christian Apologetics and Muslim-Christian Interaction in Eleventh-Century Armenia. Grigor Magistros Pahlawuni in answer to Abū Nasr al-Manāzī and Amir Ibrahim"
30-03-2022 - Professor Emeritus Michael Stone's Wednesday Seminar, Hebrew University of Jerusalem "The Use of Hellenising and non-Hellenising Classical Armenian in Grigor Magistros' Epistolary: the Letters to Amir Ibrahim (M9/K70 & M26/K71)"
24-02-2023 Armenian Institute, London (online) "Saint Grigor Narekatsi and the Narek"
02-03-2020 Marlborough. "The State of Armenia. From the Oldest Shoe to Silicon Valley in the Caucasus". Marlborough College.
22-11-2019 Nijmegen. Masterclass: "The Matean ołbergut‘ean Մատեան ողբերգութեան - Book of Lamentation of Saint Gregory of Narek (Սուրբ Գրիգոր Նարեկացի), Doctor of the Church". Instituut voor Oosters Christendom (IVOC) Radbouduniversiteit Nijmegen.
21-11-2019 Nijmegen. "Sint Grigor Narekatsi's Boek der Weeklaging: Gebeden en een Literair Meesterwerk van een Tiende Eeuws Mysticus en Kerkleraar." Public Lecture, Instituut voor Oosters Christendom (IVOC) Radbouduniversiteit Nijmegen.
12-10-2019 Geneva. "Grigor Pahlawuni Magistros' Answers (M9 & M26) to Amir Abrehim's Request: Towards a Full Picture". Workshop Between Armenia and Byzantium: Grigor Magistros in Context University of Geneva.
22-05-2019 Erevan. "Գերունական է այս կուսածին բոլոր բանս. Գրիգոր Պահլաւունոու Մագիստրոս երկու նամակ հաւատքի և փիլիսոփայութեան մասին" (More excellent than all is the Word Born from a Virgin. Two letters by Grigor Pahlawuni Magistros on Faith and Philosophy) Sen Arevshatyan 90. International Armenological Conference, 22-23 May 2019, Matenadaran, Erevan.
03-05-2019 Gent. "Erecting a Monument Stronger than Bronze: Faith and Culture in Grigor Pahlawuni Magistros' Epistolary", Henri Pirenne Institute for Medieval History, University of Gent.
16-04-2019 Amsterdam. Narekatsi Lezingen, Begijnhofkapel, Amsterdam. "Grace and Saint Gregory of Narek's Book of Lamentation", public Introduction to the Dutch translation of Grigor Narekatsi's Book of Lamentation (see under publications 2018) and reading of the Dutch translation of Prayer 12. (See you tube link under recent activities).
14-03-2019 Budapest. "A Funeral Lament for Sparapet Vahram Pahlawuni. Grigor Pahlawuni Magistros' Eleventh Century Christianization of Armenian Commemorative Ritual". Grigor Narekac‘i Lecture. Public Lecture Series of the Department of Armenian Studies. Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Budapest.
05-03-2019 Oxford. "On Poetry, Poetics, and the Gift of a Crosier: An 11th Century Letter by Grigor Pahlawuni Magistros to Katholikos Petros Getadarj". Eastern Christianity Seminar, University of Oxford.
13-11-2018 London. "Taner Akçam. Turkey's Denial Defines its Present. A Reading of his Speech to the Swedish Parliament on the Occasion of the 103th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide". Latymer Upper School, London.
12-10-2018 Prague. "For Whom the Bell Tolls. Prayer 92 in the Book of Lamentation by Saint Gregory of Narek and John Donne's Devotions upon Emergent Occasions". Strahov Monastery, Prague. Lecture accompanying the Exhibition "Treasures of the Earliest Christian Nation. Spirituality, Art and Music in Mediaeval Armenian Manuscripts
26-06-2018 Washington, D.C. Library of Congress. Vardanants Day Armenian Lectures "New Topics in Armenian History and Culture": Poetry, Patria and Pedigree: Yeghishe Charents' Monument and the Muse's Discontents.
14-06-2018 Jerusalem. The Sts James Armenian Patriarchate. Եզեկիէլի գահակարքը Հայաստանի մէջ. 1269 թ. Երզնկայի Աստուածաշնչի նկարազարդում (Երուսաղէմ, ձեռագիր հմ. 1925) Ezekiel's Throne Chariot in Armenia: The Erznka Bible Illumination Jerusalem, Armenian Patriarchate MS no 1925) of 1269.
04,06,11-06-2018 Jerusalem. Hebrew University of Jerusalem Series of three Lectures Armenian Literature Around the Turn of Millennium in its International Cultural Context
1. 04-06-2018 Grigor Narekatsi's Book of Lamentation and the School of Narek
2. 06-06-2018 Vardan Anetsi's Contemplative Poem on the Divine Chariot
3. 11-06-2018 Grigor Magistros: Cultural Autonomy theough Hellenisation and Christianisation
08-05-2018 Oxford. University of Oxford. "Christianising Laments for the Fallen in 11th c. Armenia: Grigor Pahlawuni Magistros on Vahram Pahlawuni, Sparapet of the Kingdom of Ani". Pembroke College, Eastern Christianity Seminar.
16-01-2018 Istanbul. Հրաչեայ Աճառեան (1876-1953)` լեզուաբան – հայագէտի ձևաւորումը (Hračeay Ačaṙean - The Formation of a Linguist and Armenologist. Սահակեան-Նունեան Հայկական Դպրոց Sahakean-Nuneyan Ermeni Lisesi. 50 Years Jubilee. Celebration devoted to Hracheay Acharean.
Book Launch, Matenadaran Mashtots Institute of Ancient Manuscripts Erevan, 7-11-2018, International Workshop Fourth Narekatsi Readings, of Grigor Narekatsi. Het Boek Der Weeklaging. Gebeden 1-15.
KRIKOR MOMDJIAN'S Armenian Poems Translated into English - Booklaunch of Wanderings Պանդխտութեան մէջ &
KRIKOR Salt Room Wanderings When Night Falls
Exhibition in the Pembroke College Art Gallery, 13 October -25 November, opening: 13 October, from 5pm, Pichette Theatre, Pembroke college
Invitation to PMB Gallery opening Oct 2016.pdf